Karavan 4.4.0: Beauty is variable

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There should have been an AI-generated image of animated camels in a setting vaguely related to the plot of this post. But I think we have already had enough of them ;-) We are announcing the Apache Camel Karavan 4.4.0, your one-stop shop for simplified and accelerated integration development with Apache Camel! This release packs a punch with a plethora of improvements, making your integration journey smoother and more efficient than ever.

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New release of VS Code Language Support for Apache Camel 0.16.0

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There is a new release of VS Code extension Language Support for Apache Camel 0.16.0. Available at Visual Studio Marketplace and Open VSX Registry. This blog post is covering changes made during multiple releases. Latest blog posted changes were for Language Support for Apache Camel v0.9.0. But all listed below is available in latest published v0.16.0 extension release. What’s changed Embedded Language Server for Apache Camel 1.18.0. Updated default Camel Quarkus Catalog from 2.

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