Camel K 1.8 release

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Image copyright: stockunlimited Time for a new release! Time for Camel K 1.8 version. Keep reading to discover what’s new in Camel K! This is the set of technologies on which Camel K 1.8 is based: Apache Camel K Runtime 1.11.0 Apache Camel Quarkus 2.6.0 Apache Camel 3.14.0 Apache Camel Kamelets 0.7.0 As usual, thanks to Apache Camel, Camel Quarkus and Kamelet Catalog contributors for the great efforts they’ve put in those new releases as well.

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Camel meets KEDA

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NOTE: this post has first appeared in the author’s blog. KEDA (Kubernetes Event Driven Autoscalers) is a fantastic project (currently CNCF incubating) that provides Kubernetes-based autoscalers to help applications to scale out according to the number of incoming events when they are listening to several kinds of event sources. In Camel K we’ve long supported Knative for providing a similar functionality for integrations that are triggered by HTTP calls, so supporting KEDA was something planned since long time, because it enables full autoscaling from a wider collection of sources.

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Camel Dynamic Router EIP Component

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Apache Camel 3.15.0 introduces a new Dynamic Router EIP component. Although Camel core includes a Dynamic Router processor, I wanted a Dynamic Router implementation that was much closer, and more adherent, to the EIP specification. The Dynamic Router as a “glue” component, not a messaging server It is important to note that, while this implementation of the Dynamic Router is a component, it is not meant to be a component for some type of messaging system (like JMS, etc.

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