Camel 3.16.0 new feature: Load properties from Vault/Secrets cloud services

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In the last weeks, together with Claus, we’ve been working on a new feature: loading properties from Vault/Secrets cloud services. It will arrive with Camel 3.16.0, currently on vote and to be released by the end of this week (24/3). This post introduces the new features and provide some examples. Secrets Management in Camel In the past there were many discussions around the possibility of managing secrets in Camel through Vault Services.

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Camel 3 Release Stats

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Many developers know that Apache Camel is one of the most active Apache projects. Consider the top 3 Apache Code Authors in 2021: Andrea Cosentino: 4,447 commits (352,346 insertions, 399,815 deletions) Claus Ibsen: 2,974 commits (555,245 insertions, 567,896 deletions) Mark Thomas: 2,509 commits (186,889 insertions, 117,182 deletions) The first two places are occupied by Camel committers. In 2021 the Camel project also reached the second place when it’s about the number of commits (9541), just behind Superset.

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Introducing the Resume API v2

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The need to process larger quantities of data has been a growing concern and necessity within our community. For the last few releases we have been working to create mechanisms to simplify how our users can consume data at scale. Although Camel is no stranger to consuming data at scale, recent trends in computing and systems architecture introduce the need for behaviors that improve agility, speed and scalability when doing so.

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