Start a Camel Main application with Textual debug for Camel routes in VS Code with a single launch configuration

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Textual debug for Camel routes allows to set breakpoints at Route definition. The Debug Adapter for Apache Camel VS Code extension latest release 0.1.1 supports JMX connection. It opens the possibility to start a Camel application with Camel textual route debugging activated in a single VS Code launch configuration. I thought it would be a five minutes effort but it was a several hours search to configure a not-yet-perfect solution. I hope that sharing the current state will save you few hours!

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Textual debug for Camel routes in VS Code release 0.1.1

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Textual debug for Camel routes allows to set breakpoints at Route definition. A first release based on Debug Adapter Server for Apache Camel has been announced last month. The new release 0.1.1 is coming with two new features: the support of JMX connection and the update of variable values. New Features JMX Connection support It might sound very technical but it has a tremendous functional impact. It simplifies a lot the launch of the debugger as there is no more the requirement to grab the pid.

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