Karavan Introduction in 4 minutes

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Karavan is an Integration Toolkit for Apache Camel, which makes integration easy and fun through the visualization of pipelines, integration with runtimes and package, image build and deployment to kubernetes out-of-the-box. This is a short Karavan introduction aimed to help to understand if this tool is right for your needs.

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RELEASE 3.20.1

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The Camel community announces the immediate availability of Camel 3.20.1, a patch release with 14 fixes and improvements. The artifacts are published and ready for you to download from the Central Maven repository. For more details please take a look at the release notes. Many thanks to all who made this release possible. On behalf of the Camel PMC, Gregor Zurowski

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Roadmap to Camel 4

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Apache Camel 4 is on the way for 1st half in 2023. The need for Camel 4 is mainly driven by Java open source projects migrating from javax to jakarta APIs and to keep up with popular runtimes such as Spring Boot and Quarkus. Primary Goals Migrate from javax -> jakarta (JEE 10) Java 17 as minimum Spring Framework 6 Spring Boot 3 Quarkus 3 Release Goals Release only what is ready (JEE10 / Java17) This means that Camel components that are not ready (yet) will be dropped in a release until they are ready.

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