CAPI Gateway: Using Apache Camel at the European Commission

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I’ve been working at the European Commission for the last 4 years as a Software Architect, working for a unit responsible for developing reusable components, and advocating open source software. In this context, we organized already a couple of Hackathons and Bug bounties open to all the open source communities. In the team, we worked already a couple of times with Apache Camel, and I like the elegance and performance compared with other integration frameworks.

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Camel 2019 in Numbers

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It’s the time of the year where we take a look back at 2019, and compile a brief summary of the Apache Camel project. The big news of 2019 was the much anticipated release of Apache Camel 3. Family of projects It was also in 2019 that the Camel project became a family of projects by introducing: Camel K Camel Quarkus Making Apache Camel a trilogy. But it does not stop there; in early 2020 three will become five when we release:

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RELEASE 2.24.3

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The Camel community announces the immediate availability of the new patch release Camel 2.24.3. This release contains 25 fixes and improvements applied in the past weeks by the community on the camel-2.24.x branch. It is the last planned patched release for the camel-2.24.x branch. The artifacts are published and ready for you to download either from the Apache mirrors or from the Central Maven repository. For more details please take a look at the resolved issues.

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