Camel Quarkus 1.1.0 Released

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Apache Camel Quarkus 1.1.0 has been released! We continue to integrate with the latest Camel and Quarkus releases, whilst adding new features and fixing bugs. For a full overview of the changes see the 1.1.0 milestone details. Here are some of the highlights. Major component upgrades Camel 3.5.0 Quarkus 1.8.0 New extensions We added a whopping 174 new extensions in this release! This is because Camel Quarkus will shortly become the only and default runtime in our sibling project Camel K.

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Apache Camel 3.5 What's New

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Apache Camel 3.5 has just been released. This is a non-LTS release which means we will not provide patch releases, but use the release as-is. The next planned LTS release is 3.7 scheduled towards end of the year. So what’s in this release? This release introduces new set of features and noticeable improvements that will we cover in this blog post. Java 14 This is the first release that supports Java 14.

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